Our Start: From the desk of CEO and Founder

I have always been amazed at the different works that people have done and currently do. From laying of new roads and bridges, to caring for the sick in hospitals by nurses and doctors alike, there were a host of jobs that drew my attention as a child. I could not make up my mind what I wanted to be when I would grow up. I studied most subject with some amount of seriousness. I liked Biology and wanted to be a doctor once. Then I had Physics envy and wanted to be an engineer. I painted well, so had thought hard into being an architect once. I was a boy scout and enjoyed camping and fixing things that I could have been a relevant construction project worker. I was fascinated by watching my grandmother sew her own clothes and as a child was taught by her how to hem a handkerchief. I polished my fathers and siblings shoes in turns, and observed the intricate details of leather works. As a young adult, I loved watching the program "Dirty Jobs" and I respected the hard work put by many to bring to us the fruits of their work.

Jointrain Inc. is the culmination of my respect to and fascination for what people do. There are so many thing to do. Folks bring their talents, time and hearts to produce things that drive our economy. Through Jointrain, I wanted to help them by providing them tools to learn about new arts and crafts, polish their skills from welding to furniture making and caring for the sick, to test their learnings and to thrive in a humming economy.

Our motto "Train, Test and Thrive" stands for providing training material, testing programs and finally continued help and support towards a thriving career in the vocations.